It’s possible to get a credit card when you have bad credit. You’ll either choose a secured credit card, or what’s known as a subprime credit card. Read this article to make a smart choice and get ready for your card application. Read more.
Sometimes it’s smart to close a credit card account. Read on to find out when it makes sense to close that credit card, how it will affect your credit score and a few steps to safely close a credit card. Read more.
There are many types of credit cards, but deciding which one is right for you will depend on your interests and your credit history. Read this article to learn about the different types of cards on the market.
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It can seem overwhelming when you think about getting your credit back in shape, but there are two major actions you can take to do it: check your credit reports for errors to fix, and pay down debts. Read more.
With what you've heard about the challenges of having bad credit, you might think it's better to have no credit score at all. That might be oversimplifying things. Read this article to compare each situation. Read more.