When your income goes up and down every month, it might feel like a nearly impossible task to stick to a budget. Here are some pointers on how to budget when you have multiple streams of income.
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Find out how to get approved for a car loan if you're buying a new or used car on finance, and put yourself in a better position to qualify for an auto loan. Read more.
If you're considering trading in a car with a loan balance still outstanding, here's what you need to know first to make sure you protect your finances and credit. Read more.
Venus retrograde means the planet of money and security isn’t working at its full potential, as it is slowing down so we can revisit what needs to be reevaluated. This is the time to retrace your steps when it comes to your financial well being.
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A secured credit card is a type of financing that requires a cash deposit, but how exactly does it work? And could a secured credit card be right for you? Read more.
While summer is the season to have fun and relax, you should still be smart about what you're doing with your money. Here are seven financial housekeeping tips to keep in mind this summer.
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If you satisfy the terms of your lease, breaking it won’t affect your credit unless unpaid rent is reported to the credit bureaus or sent to collections. Read more.