Going to college to get a degree and higher paying job seems like the "normal" thing to do. But there are many professional jobs that pay high salaries that don't require a bachelor's degree. This research lists the highest paying jobs you can get without a bachelor's degree. Read more.
The cost of renting an apartment varies by city, but whether you can afford it also depends on your income. In some cities, you'll need to work longer than others to be able to afford the same size apartment. This research lets you compare U.S. cities. Read more.
This new research looks at the ratio of healthcare workers per capita by city in the U.S. While this information is important in light of the current coronavirus pandemic, longer term it's worth considering as part of your decision about where to live and work. Read more.
Making a few smart money moves now helps you hit the ground running in 2020. Here's what to do before the year ends, based on your job type. Read more.